Miss Monde: pas d’épreuve en maillots de bain en Indonésie

Miss Monde

Miss Monde

Les 137 jeunes femmes prenant part au concours devront troquer le bikini pour le vêtement traditionnel, comme le sarong indonésien, a indiqué mercredi soir Julia Morley, présidente de Miss Monde, confirmant une décision prise il y a un an quand l’Indonésie a accepté d’accueillir l’épreuve.

Les organisateurs du concours de beauté Miss Monde ont été contraints de réitérer qu’il n’y aurait pas d’épreuves en maillots de bain lors de l’édition 2013 en Indonésie, plus grand pays musulman de la planète, après l’ire d’islamistes.

Les 137 jeunes femmes prenant part au concours devront troquer le bikini pour le vêtement traditionnel, comme le sarong indonésien, a indiqué mercredi soir Julia Morley, présidente de Miss Monde, confirmant une décision prise il y a un an quand l’Indonésie a accepté d’accueillir l’épreuve.

«Je ne veux contrarier personne et placer quiconque dans une situation qui nous ferait passer pour irrespectueux», a-t-elle expliqué à l’AFP dans une interview téléphonique depuis Londres, après plusieurs déclarations d’organisations islamistes critiquant l’événement.

La décision de ne pas assurer d’épreuve en maillots de bain date cependant d’un an.

«Nous avons débattu de la tenue de plage l’an dernier avec Miss Monde à Londres, avant même que nous acceptions d’accueillir l’événement, car nous savions que ce serait un sujet sensible en Indonésie», a expliqué Nana Putra, du groupe de médias MNC, qui sera en charge de la retransmission télévisée ainsi que de l’organisation locale du concours.

L’absence de bikinis n’a cependant pas satisfait le Conseil indonésien des Oulémas, plus haute instance religieuse du pays, qui demande l’annulation pure et simple du concours. Miss Monde «promeut l’hédonisme, le matérialisme et le consumérisme», a jugé un de ses responsables, Muhyidin Djunaedi.

L’Indonésie, pays musulman le plus peuplé de la planète avec 240 millions d’habitants, avait dû annuler l’an dernier un concert de Lady Gaga, après une levée de boucliers d’islamistes choqués par les tenues très déshabillées de la star qu’ils avaient qualifiée de «satanique».

Miss Monde tiendra pourtant une partie de ses épreuves sur l’île majoritairement bouddhiste de Bali, aux plages de sable fin envahies de milliers de touristes aux maillots souvent très minimalistes.

La finale du concours doit avoir lieu le 28 septembre prochain à Bogor, près de Jakarta.

Source : www.lapresse.ca

Mode City a triumph for industry and public

Mode City

Mode City

The 30th edition of Mode City, which was accompanied by Le Salon International de la Lingerie and Du Swimwear, was a huge success, taking place from the 6th to the 8th of July.

This year’s event welcomed over 15,000 visitors and 500 exhibiting brands from 35 countries. 135 of the exhibitors were new to Mode City, and the majority of attendees were from France, Italy, Germany and the UK, though some came from as far away as Australia and Saudi Arabia to attend the three-day show.

Much of the event was geared toward industry pros, from fabric specialists to buyers, but the public was welcomed at the first Absolute Summer by Mode City event, which featured a series of fashion shows.

Mode City also experienced a 17 percent increase in attendance by lingerie and swimwear retailers and welcomed buyers from prominent companies, including Amazon, Selfridges and Target.

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com




Singaporean designer Jo Soh comes up with great clothes for her hansel and hello hansel labels each and every season, but for Spring/Summer 2013, she really made a splash (pun intended) with the retro-style, synchronised swimming-inspired SYNC OR SWIM collection.

Bringing the glamour, grace and rhythm of the feminine water sport to the fashion world, it features hansel’s signature quirkiness and bold colour palette. To bring off the optimistic vibe of this fun collection, hansel has collaborated with the vivacious and inimitable Denise Keller for the campaign shoot. Expect to find cute props, even cuter dresses and incredibly flattering swimming caps.


Source : http://mandaringallery.com.sg/blog/

Le sharkini, ou l’improbable maillot de bain requin



Le choix vestimentaire douteux de la semaine nous vient de la marque Bad Aby Design. Son “Sharkini”, un maillot de bain une pièce qui présente une découpe sur le côté, imite la morsure d’un requin. Un maillot qui, à peine mis en vente, a créé le buzz sur le Web.

Il faut dire que depuis Sharknado, le film sur des tornades de requins, ces prédateurs ont plutôt la cote. Ainsi pour 100 dollars et tout de même trois semaines d’attente, vous pouvez commander ce modèle, fait, s’il-vous-plait, sur mesure. Pas sûr pour autant qu’il soit du meilleur goût sur la plage…

Source : www.huffingtonpost.fr

Taylor Swift : Sexy et glamour en maillot de bain pin-up

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift est apparue très glamour à Rhode Island, pour une balade sur l’eau. Elle porte un maillot de bain, et ressemble aux pin-up des années 70. 

Taylor Swift a l’habitude d’être toujours sublime sur les tapis rouges. Nous avons notamment vu Taylor Swift très sexy, en short pour le Capital Summertime Ball 2013. Mais la chanteuse d'”I Knew You Were Trouble” sait aussi être fabuleuse dans la vie de tous les jours !

Elle l’a prouvé, lors d’une promenade en Paddleboarding, le nouveau hobbie de la jeune femme, qui se pratique debout sur une planche, à la surface de l’eau. Taylor Swift a mis un maillot de bain très glamour ! La jolie blonde porte en effet, un maillot de bain rayé blanc et noir, avec une culotte taille haute dans le style des 70’s. Son haut, lui, est en forme de balconnet et torsadé sur le devant. Ce détail donne une touche de modernité à sa tenue.

Taylor Swift reste toujours glamour, et, même pour cette petite séance de sport, la jeune femme revêt un joli rouge-à-lèvres rouge mat. Enfin, elle porte une paire de lunettes de soleil au design simple et épuré !

Source : www.fan2.fr

Thousands visit Interfiliere Paris

JOG@Mode City 2013

JOG@Mode City 2013

The recent Interfilière Paris trade show, the leading event for professionals specializing in intimates and swimwear fabrics, was a resounding success and welcomed over 11,000 visitors during July 6th, 7th and 8th.

New designers, upcoming brands and experienced buyers turned out in full force for the event, which attracted attendees from Asia, Europe and North America. The 2013 session also focused on wellbeing, and featured a conference titled “wellbeing and textiles,” lead by Dominique Demoinet. Prominent French companies also showcased their expertise in embossing, pleating, dyeing, and otherwise treating and altering materials for use in intimate apparel.

Speaking about the event in a press release, Olivier Noyon, CEO of Noyon Dentelles, stated: “It has been a very positive show because all the activities carried out with regard to Calais Lace have been well received and passed on to our clients. We have had a number of very successful meetings. At the end of the day, a clear distinction can be made between those who remain traditional and cautious and those looking for innovation in refined articles. This latter category of brands has grasped the fact that we need to inspire consumers with products that stand out from the crowd and that doesn’t mean they have to be showy.”

The next edition of Interfilière takes place in Shanghai during October 22nd and 23rd.

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com

Baci donates bras to women in need

Baci Lingerie

Baci Lingerie

Baci Lingerie has donated over 1,000 bras to victims of the recent tornadoes in Moore, Oklahoma.

The bras were donated through the XO Oklahoma organization, which is operated by the Kerr Foundation, a non-profit group which promotes education, art, health and human services in the Midwestern state. Speaking about the donation, Baci Lingerie director of sales and operations Alicia Sinclair stated: “we are very happy to be able to help, and encourage other companies to do what they can. We hope this is a step towards healing and recovery for the women of Moore after this terrible disaster.”

Moore, which is located in an area known as “Tornado Alley,” was struck on May 20th by a tornado that created path of destruction 16.2 miles long and 2 miles wide, resulting in 24 deaths and several hundred injuries. Ten days later, another tornado hit the town, causing flooding and additional casualties.

Baci Lingerie owner Frank Koretsky said in a press release: “organizations like XO Oklahoma and The Kerr Foundation are crucial in times of natural disasters such as the one recently experienced in Moore. Grassroots organizations that can reach and help local residents quickly and efficiently in times of crisis are so important – and we’re happy to assist them with our donations. Baci urges everyone to find ways to help; together, we can create a positive road to recovery for everyone affected.”

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com

Maryan Mehlhorn creates bling bikini

Swimwear label Maryan Mehlhorn will unveil a gem-covered bikini at the Mode City tradeshow in Paris.

Gem bikini

Gem bikini

Worth just under £55,000, the Glamour Bikini is covered in 27 gemstones, including rubies, emeralds and topaz, all set in white gold. According to a press release from Maryan Mehlhorn, the swimsuit “outshines all previous demands in luxury and beachwear treasures.”

Mode City Paris takes place on July 6th, 7th and 8th.

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com

Children’s swimwear sales skyrocket

JOG Swimwear

JOG Swimwear

The annual Swimwear Association of Florida’s SwimShow has reported children’s swimwear has grown by almost 25% in a year. The increase has resulted in additional children’s swim lines being added to this year’s show, which takes place at the Miami Beach Convention Centre from July 20th to the 23rd.

More than 2,500 brands from 60 countries are expected to attend the trade show, which is in its 31st year. Popular swimwear lines for children will include Cache, Kiwi, Cabana Life and Squirtini Bikini. In a press release, executive director of the swimwear association of Florida Judy Stein stated: “the children’s category has shown exceptional growth over the last few years as more and more moms enjoy keeping their kids fashionable for summer.”

SwimShow is one of the top tradeshows for swimwear buyers from all categories, catering to designer boutiques, resort shops, and department stores. Attendees at the event will include stylists, designers, bloggers, manufacturers and members of the press.

According to Global Industry Analysts, the swimwear industry is estimated to be worth over £11 billion by 2015.

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com

Bye-bye bikini as one-piece suit sales soar

JOG Swimwear

JOG Swimwear

One-piece swimsuits are selling better in the UK than bikinis, according to a new report from auction website eBay.

Total swimsuit and beachwear sales on eBay have increased by over 80 percent in the last month, with over half of shoppers purchasing one-piece suits for a 110 percent increase in sales of the style. Celebrities are also following the trend, and Rihanna, Jessica Alba and Carrie Underwood have all been captured by the press in one-piece suits.

The eBay report also revealed women from Northern Ireland as the most conservative swimwear shoppers, with 73 percent purchasing one-piece suits. However, one in five Yorkshire women was shown to have selected a push-up bikini, whilst one in ten London women chose a bandeau top.

Asda has also seen a dramatic rise in the sale of one-piece suits, reporting a 48 percent increase. A study from the retailer also showed 68 percent of women consider their stomach a problem area when choosing swimwear, providing an additional reason for the increased popularity of one-piece styles.

Source : www.lingerieinsight.com